Supplements To Take During Cleanse

Cutting out foods and telling your body ‘no’ is not fun. But there are nutrients, supplements, and other products to add into a good cleansing diet. Sure, they’re no piece of chocolate cake, but they’re critical for a successful cleanse. I took a quirky viewpoint, and looked at the supplements and products I needed to add in as a sort of adventure, like trying rides at an amusement park I’d never done before while avoiding the same old ones I loved but always went on (even though they made me queasy, just as chocolate cake would give me a headache because of the wheat content). I still incorporate some of these nutrients, like peppermint tea and probiotics, into my current diet. Here is a list of products to strongly consider adding into a candida cleanse, including the most important for proper yeast-fighting properties: probiotics and antifungals.


I’ve discussed how important probiotics are in anyone’s diet. A lot of candida cleansing sources will suggest eating “lots” of plain, unsweetened yogurt to get those beneficial bacteria. Not only does yogurt not contain many strains, but I can’t take the taste of plain yogurt beyond half a serving (though, side note: it makes an excellent sour cream replacement). After much research on the overwhelming amount of probiotics: strains, how many billions of bacteria to have, best delivery form (Enteric-coated capsules? Liquid?) I picked up canxidarestore because the blend was specific to fighting yeast contains enzymes and l.acidophilus DDS-1 which has patent for antibiotic resistant and it was formulated by Eric Bakker and I have done a lot of research on him and he knows his stuff when it comes to candida yeast overgrowth. After my cleanse, I began rotating around different probiotics to supply my internal flora with a variety of strains. I like trying new things, so I figure my gut must as well.


Antifungals are candida destroyers. While the candida may die off if you just starve them without sugar or carbs, this can be a long, uncertain endeavor. Many foods have antifungal properties: caprylic acid comes from coconut oil, zinc can be found in red meats, and of course there’s all those greens for immune support. Many products are best in concentrated forms; you’re not really going to get enough grapefruit seed oil or black walnut hulls effectively without a supplement. Other nutrients, like garlic and pau d’arco, can be tiring to consume on a daily basis. I chose canxida remove as an antifungal. The blend contains ten super-yeast-fighting ingredients, which can not only cut down on die-off effects, but also saved me the cost of buying them separately and figuring out how many mg of each to mix together. It’s a high quality item, too, with GMP certification.


While completely avoiding my beloved Earl Gray teas, I splurged on non-caffeinated sample boxes of roobios, fruit peel/leaf blends, spices, and herbal tea blends. Here’s what many people don’t know about tea: it’s a loose term. Tea can refer to Camellia sinensis, the plant where black, green, oolong, and white tea come from(the type of tea depends on when the plant is harvested and how it is processed). These have caffeine. Other ‘teas,’ or rather ingredients infused with boiling water and then strained, are usually not caffeinated, with the exception of yerba matte. Still, check the ingredients for every tea: ‘Pumpkin Spice’ may use rooibios as a base and be fine during a yeast cleanse, or may use black tea somewhere in the blend. Certain teas have antifungal properties, and can double up as yeast-fighting and a deeply satisfying beverage to start, continue, or end your day with.

  • Peppermint: Anti-headache, anti-migraine, fungal-fighting, and cooling: how could I not have had this in my stash of teas before? I placed a box of this gem on my counter, and even a few teabags in my drawer in place of chocolate bars.
  • Pau d’arco: The root contains high antifungal, antibacterial, and immune boosting properties. I was not a fan of the flavor, at all, especially since I was avoiding adding any sweeteners. Fortunately, this herb was in my antifungal blend, so I didn’t have to choke down a cup to reap the benefits. Some strains of candida may resist Pau d’arco, in which case Maitake tea (but avoid raw mushrooms during the cleanse) or clove tea may be alternated.
  • Clove: Also contains yeast-fighting benefits. I like clove mixed with other herbs, as too strong a brew can cause my gums to numb (some people use the essential oil directly on a sore gum to relieve the pain).
  • Oregano: Antiseptic that also has antifungal, antibacterial, and antiviral properties. If you need a kick in the day, this is your tea!
  • Green Tea: Yes, this one is controversial. I needed to avoid caffeine, but green tea also has anti-fungal properties. I didn’t actually reintroduce this into my diet until day five, and have maintained drinking at least one cup a day. I will say that loose leaf is more flavorful, less bitter, and offers many more nutrients than bagged forms.

Extra Nutrients

Even with an antifungal, there are some nutrients to consider adding into your diet. For example, even though I’m good about fiber, I bought some chia seeds to mix into my dinner.

  • Fiber: Helps your body flush out the yeast, and also fills up your stomach so you’re not as hungry. I love my chia, but there’s also flax seed, and supplemental blends including powders, pills, and even chewable tablets out there (just make sure they’re not sweetened). The only source I’m uncomfortable with are psyllium husks as they may cause unnecessary cramping and bloating, and can be hard on the body to digest.
  • Zinc: Especially for vegetarians like me, this is an important supplement. Zinc has an antimicrobial properties and helps regulate pH levels. Yeast actually has scavenger cells that go out and destroy zinc in the body, and along with stress and other factors that inhibit absorption of this nutrient, our bodies can be weakened in fighting back. Even meat eaters should consider supplementing 30-50mg of zinc daily during a cleanse.
  • Molybdenum: A mineral known to help lessen die-off effects by helping the liver rid your body of the toxins that candida releases. Molybdenum seemed to help those with allergy and joint pain related effects from excess candida as demonstrated by a study published in The Digest of Chiropractic Economics.
  • Olive leaf extract: Contains immune boosting properties and is gentle on the body. Personally, I enjoyed incorporating olive oil into my diet during the cleanse, but some people find a concentrated liquid or capsules more appealing to take. Olive leaf extract is also gentle on the body, so for people who are sensitive to stronger herbs such as oregano, this is a good alternative.

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